Friday Favorites

Hello readers, it’s FRIDAY! In honor of the weekend, I’m starting a new series called Friday Favorites where I’ll write about a few different things: style, beauty, health, music, books, etc. Basically little tid bits of my everyday life! But beware, there are sure to be lots of pictures of my pup, Noah!


I just feel like everyone on earth needs to witness his cuteness. I’ve never seen a more photogenic dog in my life. Noah turned two years old a few months ago, but still acts like a puppy. More accurately, he has the personality of a 5 year old child, I kid you not. When he doesn’t get his way, usually that’s if he wants a treat and you don’t give it to him, he will walk to the other side of the room and lay down facing away from you to let you know he’s mad. Who does that?! He’s such a brat but I love him like crazy!


If you’re even remotely into Alternative Rock music and haven’t heard Young the Giant’s most recent album, Mind Over Matter, drop whatever you’re doing and listen to it right now! I had never heard of this band until my brother introduced me to their music two years ago (He really has the best taste). They’re easily one of my favorite bands now. Their music has been featured in beer commercials and even on HBO, so you’ve probably heard them already and didn’t know it! If you’re skeptical, listen to “It’s About Time” and “Mind Over Matter” first, and try to tell me you’re not addicted!


Have you ever heard of using honey as a facial cleanser? I hadn’t until about a month ago, when I discovered this article through Pinterest and decided to give it a try for the first time this week. If you read through the article, it talks a lot about the benefits of washing your face with honey compared to your average facial cleanser. It’s also talks about how to properly wash your face with honey, so if you want to try it, make sure you read that as well! I’m using raw, local honey that I purchased at my town’s EarthFare. After I wash my face with the honey, I apply one Lumene Vitamin C Beauty Drop for a brighter skin tone. You can shop those here! I have to say after using the honey, my face is definitely softer than it was a week ago! I highly recommend giving it a go.


It’s happening, I’m caving. I swore I wouldn’t be into the romper/jumpsuit craze, but damn it, I totally am. Forever 21 is my favorite place to shop for them. They have the cutest selections, and let’s be real, you’re not going to get their prices anywhere else. You can shop these looks here and here.


Let me just take a second to talk about my obsession with Megan Carn’s art. Megan and I are sorority sisters and graduated together from Presbyterian College. She is as sweet as can be and she’s an incredibly talented artist. If you follow my instagram (here) you’ve seen two of her original pieces that hang above my armoire. Her art is the perfect addition to any home or apartment! You can view Megan’s website here, and you can shop from her Etsy page here. There, you’ll find this print as well as original artwork and custom fabric and wallpaper!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and an even better weekend! Cheers!

xo Jenna

L&G Fourth of July Picks


J.Crew Factory blouse (on sale!) // Gap denim shorts // Loeffler Randall sandals // Kendra Scott earrings and stackable rings (on sale!) // Clare V foldover clutch // bareMinerals serum foundation w/brush


When it comes to holidays, it’s always best to plan outfits in advance. I don’t know about y’all, but I have fallen victim a countless number of times to planning or buying clothing for holiday events at the last minute, which never ends well. For this Summer holiday, I’m planning ahead and getting a little inspiration from some of my favorite brands! Some of these I discovered perusing Pinterest, others I’ve had my eye on for a while. What better reason so finally make the jump on a purchase, right?

My Fourth of July will probably be spent outside, and since South Carolina weather during the Summer is ridiculously hot, I want to go for a look that will keep me as cool as possible. I incorporated some of my favorite red, white and blue pieces without going overboard. If you also plan on spending the weekend outdoors like me, this bareMinerals SPF 20 foundation is amazing and will keep your face sunburn free. Where will y’all be spending the fourth, and what do you plan on wearing?

xo Jenna

White, Gray and Denim

Every girl knows that feeling, when you stare at your closet and can’t decide how to dress yourself for the day. That’s what happened to me this morning as I woke up still exhausted from the day before. I looked through the contents of my closet for what seemed like an eternity and couldn’t make a decision. It’s moments like this when I turn to Pinterest for a little inspiration. I found this picture and knew I had to recreate it!


via my Pinterest (here)

It’s the simplicity of the outfit that gets me. I really love the combo of a simple tee with a denim jacket that makes this look effortless. The delicate jewelry adds a nice touch too! Here’s my take:


Target v-neck tee (similar), JCPenney denim jacket (on sale!), 5th and Ashland necklace, Old Navy white jeans, Banana Republic belt, Tory Burch Reva flats, David Yurman bracelets (here and here), Kate Spade watch

xo Jenna

What’s Important

Over the past week or so, I’ve had a lot of time to think between being sick and various other things (this post is long overdue, thank you to my followers for being so patient!) I realized that it’s time for me to re-asses my priorities and figure out what I really need to focus my efforts on. I’m all about organization, so I thought that listing my ideas would help tremendously. Hopefully after reading this, you’ll feel a little inspired yourself. I’ve put these thoughts on the back burner for quite a while out of fear, and it’s time that I face them head on. What better time than the present right?

1. I let people’s opinions cloud my judgement – This is a huge problem. Every day I’m surrounded by fellow graduate students, professors, and mentors that are as opinionated as they are innovative. This is both a blessing and a curse. People are constantly telling me “You should do this with your future career” or “You should do that” and I tend to take those opinions to heart and lose sight of what I really want. I know that the majority of these people are telling me what they think because they care about me, they mean no harm… but I can’t let those opinions affect important decisions in my life, especially my career path.

2. I’m terrified of uncertainty – The fact that I can’t completely plan out my future scares me. I know where I would like to live and what I would like to be doing this time next year, but the reality is that I may do something completely opposite. I’m afraid that if I continue down this narrow-minded path, I could miss out on great opportunities.

3. Little things stress me out – Really, this one has gotten out of hand over the past few months. I let the most insignificant things worry me and it affects the rest of my day. Maybe this is a side-effect of graduate school, or maybe it’s because of the people I surround myself with. Maybe it’s a combination of the two… but either way, something has to change.

4. I take advantage of time – This is a biggie, especially when it comes to family. Recently I have fallen short on keeping in touch with family while I am in Greenville. I come up with excuses like “I’m too busy right now” or “I have something more important to do, I’ll talk to them later” instead of making a quick phone call to my parents and/or brother. Recently a family member went through a health scare that terrified all of us. Everything is fine now, but it made me realize that my family won’t be on this earth forever. Neither will my friends, and I need to make sure that I make the most of the time I’m given with them.

5. I compare myself to others on a daily basis – I know this is something that everyone struggles with, and this has become worse for me over the past year. Since I started fashion blogging, I am constantly comparing myself to other bloggers and find myself becoming jealous really quickly. The reality is that there are a lot of women out there who have been in the game for much longer than I have, and I must remember this when I feel envious of someone else.

With that being said, I thought long and hard about things that need to change and compiled a list of reminders to myself for the present and future:

1. Learn to accept constructive criticism. Appreciate the opinions that are helpful and cast aside the ones that are purely hurtful.

 2. Don’t be afraid of the unknown! Life is all about taking chances and experiencing new things. I’m 22 years old and have my entire life ahead of me. I need to enjoy doing the things I love now and worry about planning for the rest of my life later.

3. Don’t sweat the small stuff, it’s simply not worth the time. I have to accept that some things are completely out of my control and aren’t worth worrying about.

4. Make the most of time with family and friends, even if they are far away. Whether that’s sending a text, making a call, or Facetiming, let the people you love know that you’re thinking about them.

5. Compare myself to myself instead of others. This sounds crazy, but I think it will be hugely beneficial. Instead of comparing myself to other bloggers, I must compare my present accomplishments to what I’ve done in the past. A week from now I should ask myself, “What have I done in the past week to make my blog better? What can I improve? What do I want to accomplish in the next few days? Etc etc etc.” Tracking my goals in this way allows for exponential growth and a stronger sense of appreciation as to how far I’ve come. Let’s be honest, comparing yourself to others will only lead to disappointment and jealousy. Why continue down that path?

Most of all, it’s important to enjoy life and appreciate everything that I have. Nothing is certain in this world, so don’t be afraid to make mistakes, love unconditionally, and face the unknown with open arms.

xo Jenna

Pinterest Inspiration: Elbow Patch Sweaters

There’s no doubt that Pinterest inspires women from all over the world to be creative in the way they dress, cook, travel, exercise, decorate, etc. The list goes on and on! I’ll admit that I’m slightly obsessed with Pinterest, it’s a great way to gather and share ideas that you can save as long as you want! One of my absolute favorite outfit inspirations that seems to keep popping up on my feed is elbow patch sweaters. There are so many different combinations of colors and fabrics, the possibilities are endless! Here are some of the best:




via Pinterest. To follow me, click here.

Here’s my take!


Picture 1 – Sweater: TJMaxx Flannel: Target (similarJewelry: Kate Spade NY, David Yurman

Picture 2 –Scarf: H&M (SimilarBlazer: J.Crew Blouse: Ann Taylor Bracelets: 5thandAshland

xo Jenna